Molybdenite has been mined to the east of Everton on the Everton Molybdenite Field. The mineral occurs in bosses of Everton Granodiorite and Everton Granodiorite Porpyrite, as well as in pegmatite dykes and the adjacent contact metamorphosed Ordovician sediments. Kenny (1921) noted that molybdenite is found in the granodiorite where the rock is intersected by quartz veining, occurring in the solid granodiorite, in the quartz veins and on joint planes in the granodiorite.
Finely disseminated pyrite is present as an accessory mineral, and copper in the form of azurite and malachite has been reported, from a pegmatite dyke at the northern ~end of the field, by Kenny.
Almost all the production from the Everton Molybdenite Field came from the Everton Molybdenite Mine, situated just north of the Beechworth railway line. The ore was present in the form of two circular pipe-like bodies. One of these pipes had a mineralised zone (2-3 m wide) around a barren core of granite, while the other ‘vas less well defined. They have been worked to depths of 15.8 m and 46.3 m respectively, with a total production of approximately 325 tonnes of concentrates obtained, using a flotation plant. The mine opened in 1937 and was worked intermittently until closure in 1941 (Kenny, 19lf8). The locality has recently been quarried to provide ‘rip rap’ stone for local stream erosion control.
( Department of Minerals and Energy, Geological Survey Report No.71 Explanatory Notes on the Beechworth 1:50 000 Geological. By PJ. Oshea p.9)