Our 100% owned Providence Project is located in Central Victoria, around 100 kilometres north of Melbourne, within the Melbourne zone of the Lachlan Fold Belt. There are significant historical workings in this area, with a number of gold and antimony workings and deposits within our licence area.
We currently hold two active Exploration Licences as part of this project; EL007052 in Reedy Creek, and EL007046, to the east of Reedy Creek in the Yea and Alexandra areas.
We are conducting the first modern exploration of the Reedy Creek Goldfield, including various geochemical sampling programs prior to the current drilling program. Assays reported so far include Drill Hole RWR13 (11m at 31.34 g/t Gold including 4m at 80.05 g/t Gold) from an area of the goldfield that has been the subject of no historic drilling.
The gold mineralisation intersected in the drilling is present as a zone of significant quartz veining with fine grained disseminated stibnite and pyrite.
We have been drilling at Reedy Creek throughout 2021 and 2022 and are currently reviewing results and planning future exploration.
At Providence, two prospects, Providence and Ghin Ghin, occur on the axial zone of a northerly plunging anticlinorium, the Yea Anticline. Disseminated mineralization occurs associated with narrow veins, stockwork veins and breccia zones within the hypogene zone of the deposit. Twelve reverse circulation drill holes drilled in the past at the Providence prospect all returned anomalous gold throughout, with a best result of 18 m at 2.75 g/t Au including 8m at 7.0 g/t Au from 34m in drill hole PB6. The disseminated mineralization occurs in a 120 m wide zone. (Christie, et al, 2000 NZ Mining Conference).
This tenement was only recently granted, and so we are in the early-stage process of planning exploration programs and making contact with landholders and other stakeholders.

Exploration in Reedy Creek occurred throughout 2022 under ERR Low-Impact and Work Plan authorisations. As part of this program, regular contact was made with the community including the holding of Town Hall meetings in Reedy Creek.