Our 100% owned Tallangalook Project is located near Bonnie Doon, approximately 150km north-east of Melbourne, within the Melbourne Zone of the Lachlan Fold Belt. This project covers much of the historic Tallangalook alluvial gold fields as well as the Golden Mountain gold deposit, which is a granite related gold skarn located within the Strathbogie granite, a 2000-kilometre-long geological feature which runs through north-east Victoria.
While Golden Mountain has been the subject of numerous drilling campaigns and resource studies since 1935, virtually no modern exploration has been conducted outside the immediate area which was historically mined. We have been actively drilling at Golden Mountain since 2021.
We currently hold two active Exploration Licences in this area; EL006430 which was granted in May, 2018 and EL007308, granted in January 2021.

Drilling has occurred over 2021/2022 under low-impact and work plan authorisations from ERR.